I have a question about the k-point that is given by vasp. I found some k-points would not include the Brillouin zone.
For example, a hexagonal crystal system, kpoints 4x4x4, and the reciprocal crystal length (b1, b2, b3), got 20 kpoints(obtained in OUTCAR) through symmetry operator.
{this crystal character: b1=b2, angle between b1 and b2 is 60 degree}
Regardless of z axis , this k-points on x-y plane spread in a parallelogram b1xb2 (only consider xy plane), but BZ of this crystal shows hexagon shape. (3/8,3/8, 1/8) is one of this case that don't locate in Brullouin zone. I want to confirm whether these kpoints out of BZ would fold into BZ during vasp calculation or not.
If they fold into BZ, the k+G numbers will be wrong. that would results in the mistake result in my calculation.
If not, they keep the same value, and proceed the calculation, k+G number will be right.
Does anyone know the answer of this question?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

https://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp-forum … amp;t=7461
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